In partnership with VeriSign
Payment Services, Vantixweb makes online payment processing affordable
and convenient by delivering a fast and reliable platform that enables
your company to authorize, process, and manage multiple payment
types and currency options online.
With VeriSign Payment Services you can accept
all major credit cards, debit cards, Internet check purchases, and
other tender types.
Whether transactions are processed in real
time or offline, the data is first transferred to a high security,
redundant, risk-free transaction-processing center where it is processed
by VeriSign and then sent to the appropriate financial institution
for authorization.
Click Here to
learn more about VeriSign Payment Services (formerly known as Signio).
Cardservice International is the largest independent credit
card procesing company in the country with over 11 years of experience,
specializing in serving non-traditional merchants, such as new,
Internet companies, home-based, and phone order/mail order businesses.
Unlike other traditional merchant account providers, Cardservice
is able to establish merchant accounts for business owners who may
have less-than-perfect credit. Cardservice has over 150,000 for
merchants online and processes over $6 billion in credit card transactions
every year. Cardservice International is committed to providing
the very best service in the transaction processing industry.
Click Here
to learn more about Cardservice International.